The so-called Alexander Sarcophagus. It would have been brightly painted.
Panel of Orpheus charming the animals. Recovered by the Turkish Government from a museum in Dallas
The only remaining one of three bronze serpent heads from the column in the Istanbul Hippodrome. The column was brought to Istanbul from Delphi. The bronze is reputedly from the armour of the Persians defeated at the battle of Marathon.
A section of the Golden Horn chain with an imagined view of its use. The chain could not have been suspended in this way.
A reasonably realistic demonstration of the Golden Horn chain in use, floated on barrels (although more probably on logs). Showing that the chain had to be defended by ships. They show the Byzantine Empire symbols.
A lion carved brick panel from the Ishtar Gate of Babylon.
A Chimera carved brick panel from the Ishtar Gate of Babylon
Hittite copy in cuneform of the earliest known peace treaty between the Hittites and the Egyptians. This version claims Hittite victory. The Egyptian copy claims Egyptian victory. It was a draw.
The tiled pavillion is one of the earliest parts of the Topkapi Palace, now housing a ceramics exhibition
A tiled mihrab from the southern town of Karaman
A 19th century Çanakkale domestic earthenware plate